Vsa predavanja so narejena z mislijo na lep porod. Poišči v njih vse kar moraš vedeti.
Ključni dejavniki lepega poroda: kako pridem do lepe porodne izkušnje?
Ključnih dejavnikov lepega poroda je kar nekaj in o vseh vam veliko povem v tem spletnem predavanju.
Personal Sessions and Workshops
This program is a set of personal sessions and workshops. It is the quickest and the most effective way to find out all my tips...
Public Programs for Individuals and Teams
This program is a set of personal sessions and workshops. It is the quickest and the most effective way to find out all my tips...
Work and Life Balance
This program is a set of personal sessions and workshops. It is the quickest and the most effective way to find out all my tips...
Success Circle: Mindset, Mission, Money, Lifestyle…
This program is a set of personal sessions and workshops. It is the quickest and the most effective way to find out all my tips...